FBI: Wells Fargo Worker Stole Thousands, Posted Cash on Social Media

CHARLOTTE, N.C. — FBI agents arrested 29-year-old Arlando Henderson for stealing more than $88,000 in cash while he worked at a Wells Fargo bank in Charlotte.

In a federal indictment, investigators said on at least 18 occasions this year Henderson stole cash from the bank vault then later deposited the money into his own account using a nearby ATM. 

The FBI says Henderson also destroyed certain documents and made false entries in the bank’s books to cover up the theft.

Investigators also found several pictures Henderson posted to his social media accounts of him holding large stacks of cash. 

We’re told Henderson used that stolen money for personal expenses and to put a large cash down payment on a 2019 Mercedes Benz. He’s also accused of getting a car loan by providing false information.

The FBI arrested Henderson in San Diego where he will appear before a federal judge.

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