Superheroes in Scrubs Presented by Famous Toastery

Superheroes in Scrubs Presented by Famous Toastery

Dial #250 and Say "Thank You Nurses"

We could play back your message on National Nurses Day, Wednesday, May 6th!

While we’re at home practicing social distancing, brave nurses all over Charlotte & the Carolinas are on the frontlines of the battle against coronavirus. Share your thanks, gratitude, and admiration by leaving a message for our nurses! From your cell phone, dial #250 and when prompted, say "thank you nurses." Then on National Nurses Day, Wednesday, May 6th, we could play your message on the air for all to hear. From the bottom of our hearts, thank you nurses and all healthcare professionals for serving our communities!

Donate a Meal to a Frontline Worker with Famous Toastery!

Supporting our Superheroes in Scrubs, Famous Toastery is helping you pay it forward! From now until May 25th, every time the promo code “Superheroes” is used at checkout for Online Ordering we pledge to donate a boxed lunch to first responders/frontline healthcare employees. Now more than ever it is important to take care of those who risk it all to keep us safe and healthy during these times. Visit to support and get started!

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