Because of leap year, there's a fun quirk that comes with Friday The 13th this year. Friday, March 13, 2020, is exactly 13 weeks since the last Friday the 13th -- December 13, 2019.
You can thank February 29 for that one. Because of the extra day that comes every four years, the 13th of March isn't happening on a Thursday this year. The two holidays are 91 days apart.
The next time this occurrence will happen is between September 13 and December 13, 2024. Oddly enough, that's another leap year, but the leap day will have nothing to do with it. It's thanks to the fact that September and November are two of the shortest months of the year -- 30 days each.
Back in 2012, there were three Friday the 13th that were 13 weeks apart. They happened between January and April -- again, thanks to leap day -- and between April and July because April and June have only 30 days.
There will be one more Friday the 13th this year, coming in November. That would be 13 days after Halloween which is on October 31. People who like to have fun with numbers might call that a palindrome -- 3113.
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