Charlotte Instagram Page Aims to Help People Left Jobless Due to COVID-19

CHARLOTTE, N.C. — An Instagram page featuring Charlotte locals who have been laid off due to the coronavirus pandemic is gaining traction.

It's called "CLT Laid Off Locals."

“We’re trying to raise a little bit of money and hopefully get the word out that people are hurting not just big corporations," said Jennifer Withrow, who started the page with her friend Courtney Lowe.

“People will DM us with their picture a little bit about themselves and their current situation and then whatever app allows them to receive donations," she explained.

For Withrow, this project is personal.

“I work -- used to work -- at Common Market, I was laid off last week," she said. "My cofounder worked at Earl’s Grocery and was also laid off, and while we are able to pay our rent and mortgage right now we know a lot of people in the community who aren’t able to do that.”

The effort tragically necessary, and perfectly summarized in the page's bio:"In it together, FIGHTING TOGETHER"

“If you have a spare dollar here or there just to be able to pay it forward means a lot," Withrow said. "That this community stays alive through the connection that we might be able to give.”

Visit WCNC for more details.

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