Woman Flushes Out, Epically Punishes Co-Worker Who Stole Her Lunch

While many people are still working from home, plenty are back on site at their jobs, dealing with the everyday annoyances that come from interacting with co-workers. One of the biggest ones is sharing a work fridge with a person who takes food from other people without asking. That's what one woman had to deal with, but she found a way to not only discover who the thief was, but to shut him down and make him really sorry for stealing.

The woman kept a carton of eggs in her work fridge so she could make them if she got hungry, but she realized that someone else was helping themselves to the food. To stop the thievery, she posted a note that read:

To whom it may concern: I had a carton of eggs in the fridge and it's gone! Whoever took those eggs, please know that those eggs are not chicken eggs and are not meant for consumption. If you have not consumed them please discard but if you have, please see me for the antidote. They are eggs from a rare bird in Africa! Thank you, Ama."

It didn't take long for one of her co-workers to come forward. According to the woman's son, who tweeted her sign, the man who was responsible was incredibly stressed and thought he was in need of an antidote.

Twitter loved the story and comments included, "How arrogant and self-important do you have to be to take someone else’s food from the work fridge? I don't get people sometimes...." and, "I don’t understand how anyone goes in a work fridge and just grabs someone else’s food," and, "There’s something so beautiful about this level of pettiness."

Ama is now the only person at her workplace enjoying her eggs.

Photo: Getty Images

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